Sparen information 24

(!!) GVOs

»Wir werden bei jedem Korn, das wir aussäen, und bei jedem Feld, das wir bebauen, von Monsanto abhängig sein. Der Konzern weiß, wenn er das Saatgut kontrolliert, kontrolliert er die Ernährung; das ist seine Strategie. Diese Strategie ist wirksamer als Bomben, wirksamer als Waffen – sie ist das beste Mittel, um die Völker der Welt zu kontrollieren.«
Vandana Shiva, indische Bürgerrechtlerin __________________________________________________


Rothschilds Bänker | Der Masterplan der Illuminaten __________________________________________________  

GE “Food” – The Attempted Genocide of 90% of the Human Species

Eating genetically modified corn (GM corn) and consuming trace levels of Monsanto’s Roundup chemical fertilizer caused rats to develop horrifying tumors, widespread organ damage, and premature death. That’s the conclusion of a shocking new study that looked at the long-term effects of consuming Monsanto’s genetically modified corn. The study has been deemed “the most thorough research ever published into the health effects of GM food crops and the herbicide Roundup on rats.” News of the horrifying findings is spreading like wildfire across the internet, with even the mainstream media seemingly in shock over the photos of rats with multiple grotesque tumors… tumors so large the rats even had difficulty breathing in some cases. GMOs may be the new thalidomide. “Monsanto Roundup weedkiller and GM maize implicated in ‘shocking’ new cancer study” wrote The Grocery, a popular UK publication. (…) It reported, “Scientists found that rats exposed to even the smallest amounts, developed mammary tumors and severe liver and kidney damage as early as four months in males, and seven months for females.” The Daily Mail reported, “Fresh row over GM foods as French study claims rats fed the controversial crops suffered tumors.” (…) It goes on to say: “The animals on the GM diet suffered mammary tumors, as well as severe liver and kidney damage. The researchers said 50 percent of males and 70 percent of females died prematurely, compared with only 30 percent and 20 percent in the control group.” The study, led by Gilles-Eric Seralini of the University of Caen, was the first ever study to examine the long-term (lifetime) effects of eating GMOs. You may find yourself thinking it is absolutely astonishing that no such studies were ever conducted before GM corn was approved for widespread use by the USDA and FDA, but such is the power of corporate lobbying and corporate greed. The study was published in The Food & Chemical Toxicology Journal and was just presented at a news conference in London. Source: __________________________________________________   Monsanto ist seit 2005 der größte Saatguthersteller der Welt, 90% aller weltweit angebauten gentechnisch veränderter Organismen (GVOs) gehören dem Unternehmen. Vor allem mit seinen transgenen Pflanzen möchte Monsanto einen Beitrag zur Verringerung des Hungers in der Welt beitragen, doch dass Unternehmen hat eine zweifelhafte Geschichte, wie Marie-Monique in ihrem Buch „Mit Gift und Genen. Wie der Biotech-Konzern Monsanto unsere Welt verändert“ eindrucksvoll belegt. Als erfolgreicher Chemiekonzern war Monsanto maßgeblich an der Herstellung von Agent Orange, dem Entlaubungsmittel im Vietnamkrieg, beteiligt. Später machte er Schlagzeilen durch in seinen Produkten enthaltene krebsauslösende PCB Abfälle in Aniston, das Unkrautvernichtungsmittel Round-Up, sowie die Verunreinigung von Milch durch das Rinderwachstumshormon Posilac. Weltweit musste das Unternehmen sich deshalb vielfältigen Prozessen stellen. Seit den 90er Jahren verlagerte Monsanto seinen Forschungs-Schwerpunkt auf Biotechnologie und die Entwicklung neuer Saatgut-Patente. Um resistent gegen Schädlinge und Unkrautvernichtungsmittel zu sein, wird das Genmaterial der Pflanzen gentechnisch verändert, d.h. mit Gift angereichert, das stückweise an die Umwelt abgegeben wird, um so die Schädlinge zu vernichten. 113007 Monsanto – Gibt es eine Vertuschung?    Julius Hensel Blog Auch als Taschen-buch bei Goldmann Die Journalistin Marie-Monique Robin enthüllt in ihrem Buch die fragwürdigen Aktivitäten, mit denen Monsanto zum größten Saatguthersteller weltweit avanciert ist, und schildert, welche Gefahren von den Produkten und der Macht des Konzerns für uns alle ausgehen. Vor dem Hintergrund der weltweiten Nahrungsmittelkrise gewinnen ihre Erkenntnisse enorm an Brisanz.. Quelle: ________________________________________________ Ihr lernt das, was Ihr wissen dürft, und nicht das, was Ihr nicht wissen solltet. Ganz einfach! Wissen, welches normalerweise nicht an Schulen gelehrt wird und oft nicht gehört werden will.. ________________________________________________  



Rothschilds Bänker | Der Masterplan der Illuminaten ________________________________________________
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Fracking stoppen: Keine Chemie ins Grundwasser!

Energiekonzerne wollen künftig bei uns Erdgas mithilfe giftigster Chemikalien fördern. Ein neues Gesetz der Regierung soll Fracking ermöglichen. Doch die Länder können das Gesetz noch stoppen. Unterschreiben Sie unseren Appell gegen Fracking! Quelle:

Monsanto – Gibt es eine Vertuschung? — Julius Hensel Blog

25. March 2012Veröffentlicht in: Ernährung, Eugenik, Landwirtschaft, Monsanto, Umwelt & Gesundheit
monsantkids dees Monsanto – Gibt es eine Vertuschung?    Julius Hensel Blog erschienen bei von Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey Übersetzung John Schacher Weiss man bei Monsanto wirklich, was man tut? Haben wir, die Öffentlichkeit, alle Fakten? Sind genetisch veränderte Lebensmittel sicher? Sind Nahrungsmittel, die sie eindeutig enthalten, beschriftet? Zerstört Monsanto, wissentlich oder unwissentlich, die Biosphäre? Entstehen durch gentechnisch veränderte Nahrungsmittel Gefahren für die Gesundheit? Für diejenigen, die nicht wünschen, Angst zu bekommen: lesen Sie bitte nicht weiter. Monsanto. Haben wir diesen Namen nicht schon mal gehört? Ja, weißt du noch, wer Agent Orange produziert hat? Erinnern Sie sich an die Schöpfer von DDT? Wer hat noch gleich Aspartam erfunden? Wenn wir sind, was wir essen, dann haben wir auch das Recht, die Antworten auf diese Fragen zu erfahren. Und es gibt mehr Fragen: warum sind Krebserkrankungen des Verdauungstraktes exponentiell steigend? Lassen Sie uns mit Monsantos wunderbarem Herbizid Roundup beginnen. Die Fachzeitschrift Current Microbiology hat gerade einen Bericht (1) bezüglich einer Substanz namens Glyphosat freigegeben, die von Monsanto in den 1970er Jahren erfunden und in Roundup verwendet wird. Der Bericht ist schockierend. Es eröffnet anhand von belegten Studien, dass Glyphosat eine Veränderung und Zerstörung der Mikroorganismen im Boden verursacht, was eine potentielle Wirkung auf die Gesundheit der auf ihm wachsenden Nutzpflanzen hat. Gemäß dem Bericht sind die Auswirkungen so verheerend, dass einige Bakterien aus bestimmten Gegenden, in denen Roundup verwendet wurde, um große Flächen zu sprühen, völlig verschwunden sind. Abgesehen davon hat die Verwendung des Produktes zum Auftreten von Super-Unkräutern geführt, was wiederum zur Folge hat, dass die Landwirte immer größere Konzentrationen des Produkts verwenden müssen. Als Ergebnis wird der Boden für zukünftige Generationen unfruchtbar gemacht. Noch weitaus beunruhigender sind Befürchtungen, dass der Einsatz dieses Herbizids Organismen tötet, deren Nutzen auf planetarischer Ebene ist noch nicht vollständig erforscht worden ist und deren Fehlen in der ökologischen Kette sehr ernste Folgen haben könnte. Aber das ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs. Was passiert mit dem Glyphosat? Es arbeitet sich nach unten durch den Mutterboden in das Grundwasser und findet von dort unten seinen Weg in unsere Wasserversorgung – unterirdische Strömungen und Quellen. Dies ist keine Vermutung: praktisch alle aktuellen in den USA getesteten Wasser-Proben enthalten Glyphosat. Was macht das US Department of Agriculture? Warum tut sich nichts? Und dies trotz der Tatsache, dass Untersuchungen davor gewarnt haben, dass Glyphosate krebserregend sein können, die Fruchtbarkeit bedrohen und das Krebsrisiko erhöhen, weil sie genotoxisch sind, Schäden an der DNA-Kette erzeugen. Das Problem ist nicht nur auf die USA beschränkt. Superunkräuter führen zu nachhaltigen negativen Auswirkungen auf die Böden und bedecken heute bereits Millionen von Hektar in den USA, Argentinien, Australien, Brasilien, Chile, der EU und Südafrika. Krebs, Unfruchtbarkeit, unfruchtbares Land, die Zerstörung der DNA, die Zerstörung von Mikroorganismen, die entscheidend für das Ökosystem Erde sind, Superunkräuter … was sonst noch? Nun scheint es, dass wir schon einmal so weit waren. Tatsächlich hat Monsanto sich bereit erklärt, 93 Millionen USD für die Auswirkungen einer Explosion in seinem Werk in Nitro, West Virginia unter Beteiligung des Herbizids 2,4,5-T, die das toxische Agens Dioxin enthielt, zu bezahlen. Aber es gibt noch immer 80.000 ungeregelte Sachschäden-Ansprüche gegen die Firma. In der Tat zeigt eine Untersuchung der Nitro-Anwohner gegen Monsanto einige schreckliche Vorwürfe, z.B: Verschmutzung der Umwelt, Vertuschung, Fälschung von Studien mit … you name it. Aber hey, als ein Auftragnehmer der Regierung hat Monsanto in den USA stets Regierungs-Immunität genossen. Und was war da noch mit Monsanto: in den betriebseigenen Kantinen wird kein gentechnisch verändertes (GE) Essen angeboten? Nun, wenn wir berücksichtigen, dass Glyphosat schon bei 450 mal niedrigeren als den in der Landwirtschaft verwendeten Konzentrationen menschliche Nierenzellen zerstört … und wir nur die sehr spärlichen Informationen über die wirklichen hinter GE-Lebensmitteln lauernden Gefahren betrachten, … wundert uns nichts mehr. Es ist völlig inakzeptabel, dass, während die langfristigen Auswirkungen des Verzehrs von gentechnisch veränderten Lebensmitteln noch nicht verfügbar sind, GE-Samen rund um den Planeten Verbreitung finden, auch durch Windströmungen und Wasserläufe. Erinnern Sie sich an den angesehenen Wissenschaftler Arpad Pusztai? Arpad Pusztai ist ein Experte in Biochemie und Ernährung, der am Rowett Research Institute in Aberdeen, Schottland gearbeitet. Als er Informationen über seine Entdeckung veröffentlichte, dass gentechnisch veränderte Kartoffeln schweren Schäden am Immunsystem und den Organen von Ratten erzeugen, wurde er suspendiert, mit einer Klage bedroht und erhielt eine Nachrichtensperre, während seine Erkenntnisse geleugnet oder verzerrt wurden. Die Nachrichtensperre wurde später gehoben und als er damit in die Öffentlichkeit ging, gab es einen massiven Rückruf von Produkten. Die US-Verbraucher war natürlichdie Letzten, die davon erfuhren. Zum Schluss eine Frage: Warum vermeiden es Mäuse, Ratten, Gänse, Kühe, Schweine, Elche und Eichhörnchen gentechnisch veränderte Lebensmittel zu essen, wenn sie die Wahl haben? Wer möchte jetzt ein Aktionär Monsanto sein? (1) Wirkungen von Roundup ® und Glyphosat auf drei Lebensmittel-Mikroorganismen:.. Geotrichum candidum, Lactococcus lactis subsp cremoris und Lactobacillus bulgaricus delbrueckii subsp Quellen: Greenpeace; NaturalNews Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey Pravda.Ru
b kaufen bei kopp verlag Monsanto – Gibt es eine Vertuschung?    Julius Hensel Blog
112200 Monsanto – Gibt es eine Vertuschung?    Julius Hensel Blog b kaufen bei kopp verlag Monsanto – Gibt es eine Vertuschung?    Julius Hensel Blog
111330 Monsanto – Gibt es eine Vertuschung?    Julius Hensel Blog b kaufen bei kopp verlag Monsanto – Gibt es eine Vertuschung?    Julius Hensel Blog

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EU-Agrarreform: Noch kein Ende des Bienensterbens

Am 19.3.2013 stimmte Ilse Aigner im Agrarministerrat der EU für weniger ökologische Ausgleichsflächen, die Bienen und anderen Arten als Lebensraum hätten dienen können. Jetzt kommt es auf die Verhandlungen zwischen Europa-Parlament, Ministerrat und Kommission an, die vor der Sommerpause abgeschlossen sein sollen. Wir bleiben dran! Quelle: ________________________________________________   Wie Biotech-Konzern Monsanto unsere Welt verändert Mit Gift und Genen” – die mehrfach ausgezeichnete Journalistin und Dokumentarfilmerin Marie-Monique Robin beschreibt in ihrem packenden Sachbuch wie der Biotech-Konzern Monsanto unsere Welt verändert. Die Enthüllungen über die fragwürdigen Aktivitäten des US-Biotech-Konzerns jagen „einem Schauer über den Rücken” („Le Point”, Paris). Zum Fürchten... Was Marie-Monique Robin nach vierjährigen Recherchen über den Biotech-Konzern Monsanto aus St. Louis (US-Bundesstaat Missouri) auf 464 Seiten dokumentiert, ist hochbrisanter Sprengstoff. Dass die zusammengetragenen Fakten allesamt nicht aus der Luft gegriffen sind, beweist allein die Tatsache, dass die mächtige Monsanto-Rechtsabteilung das Erscheinen des Buches nicht verhindern konnte. Und diese Fakten sind wahrlich zum Fürchten: Schon jetzt verfügt der US-Multi über 90 Prozent der heute angebauten gentechnisch veränderten Organismen. Aggressive Lobbyarbeit sorgt dafür, dass genmanipuliertes Monsanto-Saatgut (z.B. Mais, Raps oder Soja) weltweit immer mehr Verbreitung findet. Ruinöser Kreislauf Die Methoden, mit denen Monsanto die weltweite Marktdominanz erreicht hat, deckt Marie-Monique Robin in ihrem Buch schonungslos auf. So bald Bauern Produkte von Monsanto anbauen, geraten sie in die totale Abhängigkeit des US-Multis. Anfangs locken geringerer Pestizid- und Arbeitseinsatz viele Bauern. Doch das dicke Ende kommt unausweichlich und schnell: Den Landwirten ist es nämlich verboten, einen Teil der Ernte aus Monsanto-Saatgut zurückzuhalten, um es für die nächste Aussaat zu verwenden. Neues Saatgut muss gekauft werden. Natürlich wieder von Monsanto. Für viele Bauern ein ruinöser Kreislauf! Und sind die Felder einmal mit gentechnisch veränderten Organismen (GVOs) kontaminiert und die Böden vom intensiven Dünger- und Pestizideinsatz ausgelaugt, ist der Weg zurück zur konventionellen Landwirtschaft nahezu unmöglich. Unabhängig davon wird durch GVOs die konventionelle und vor allem auch die biologische Landwirtschaft auf das Schwerste bedroht, denn einmal ausgesät, ist die Verbreitung von genmanipulierten Pflanzen so gut wie nicht mehr kontrollierbar. Der Chemie-Multi Monsanto Bevor Marie-Monique Robin die Machenschaften des Biotech-Konzerns Monsanto durchleuchtet, widmet sich die Journalistin im ersten Teil ihres Sachbuches dem Chemie-Multi Monsanto, der bekanntlich auch maßgeblich an der Herstellung des Entlaubungsmittels Agent Orange beteiligt war. Agent Orange wurde von der US Army während des Vietnam-Krieges in riesigen Mengen mit verheerenden Folgen versprüht. Unter dem Titel „Einer der größten Umweltverschmutzer der Industriegeschichte” geht es hier um PCP (krebsfördernde Weichmacher u.a. für Kunststoffe), das Umweltgift Dioxin, das Unkrautvernichtungsmittel Roundup sowie um die Affäre um ein Rinderwachstumshormon, dessen Rückstände in der Milch gefunden wurden. Weltweit musste sich Monsanto deshalb etlichen Prozessen stellen. In den 90er Jahren verlagerte Monsanto seinen Forschungs-Schwerpunkt schließlich auf Biotechnologie und die Entwicklung neuer Saatgut-Patente. Marie-Monique Robin enthüllt in ihrem Buch nicht nur die fragwürdigen Machenschaften des inzwischen weltgrößten Saatgutherstellers, sondern zeigt auch auf, welche Gefahren von den Produkten und der Macht des Konzerns für uns alle ausgehen. Quelle: Monsanto - wie ein Konzern die Welt verändert "Nein" zum Genmais, "Ja" zur Genkartoffel. Mit ihren unterschiedlichen Beschlüssen zum Gen-Saatgut ist Bundesagrarministerin Ilse Aigner in die Kritik geraten. Passend zur Debatte um genveränderte Pflanzen ist das Buch "Mit Gift und Genen" erschienen. Ein spannender Wirtschaftskrimi, der zeigt, wie mächtig der Monsanto-Konzern bereits ist. Von Lea Wolz Die Genkartoffel Amflora darf in Deutschland angebaut werden, der Bt-Mais MON 810 dagegen nicht. Rund einen Monat nach dem Anbauverbot von Genmais haben Wissenschaft und Landwirtschaft vor einem Ende der Gentechnik-Forschung in Deutschland gewarnt. Die Forschung in der "grünen Gentechnik" sei unverzichtbar, hieß es in einer gemeinsamen Erklärung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) und der Deutschen Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft (DLG), die am Mittwoch in Berlin vorgestellt wurde. Die Forschungsfreiheit dürfe keinem Wahlkampf zum Opfer fallen, sagte DFG-Präsident Matthias Kleiner. Er sorgt sich nach dem Genmais-Verbot um den Forschungsstandort Deutschland. "Es besteht die Gefahr, dass damit in Deutschland eine wichtige Forschungsrichtung verloren geht", sagte er. Freilandversuche würden immer stärker durch Zerstörungen beeinträchtigt. Passend zu der seit einigen Monaten schwelenden Debatte um genveränderte Pflanzen ist das Buch der französischen Journalistin Marie-Monique Robin "Mit Gift und Genen" erschienen. Ein spannender Wirtschaftskrimi, der allerdings nicht zu einer vorurteilsfreien Debatte über die Grüne Gentechnik beiträgt. Das Buch beruht auf den Recherchen für den gleichnamigen Film, den der Sender Arte vor einem Jahr ausstrahlte, ist jedoch um ein paar Details erweitert. Drei Jahre hat die Tochter französischer Bauern sich mit Monsanto beschäftigt, weltweit mit Landwirten, Wissenschaftlern, Behörden und Politikern gesprochen, wissenschaftliche Studien und Dokumente gesichtet und die Firmengeschichte studiert. Ihr Fazit: In vielen Ländern wurden gentechnisch veränderte Organismen (GVO) eingeführt, ohne fundiert eine schädliche Auswirkung auf den Menschen und die Umwelt ausgeschlossen zu haben. Schlimmer noch, kritische Stimmen bringe der Konzern zum Schweigen und sichere sich durch Lobbyarbeit Einfluss. Getrieben von Profitgier sei es das erklärte Ziel des Konzerns, die Ernährung der Welt zu kontrollieren - über eine Monopolstellung beim Saatgut.. Quelle: MARIE-MONIQUE ROBIN Mit Gift und Genen Wie der Biotech-Konzern Monsanto unsere Welt verändert Originaltitel: Le monde selon Monsanto: de la dioxine aux OGM, une multinationale qui vous veut du bien Originalverlag: Éditions la Découverte Aus dem Französischen von Dagmar Mallett Quelle:

Die Masse wird zu Lemmingen erzogen ~ Sepp Holzer... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Monsanto – ein Skandalkonzern manipuliert unsere Nahrung Der Chemie- und Biotech-Riese Monsanto gelangte bisher kaum ins Bewusstsein der Öffentlichkeit, obwohl er mit seinen Produkten wie Pestiziden und genmanipulierten Pflanzen eine fundamentale und höchst umstrittene Rolle in der Weltnahrungsmittelproduktion spielt. In ihrem brisanten Buch schildert die Journalistin Marie-Monique Robin, welche Gefahren von den Produkten und der Macht des Konzerns weltweit und vor unserer Haustür ausgehen. Der amerikanische Chemie- und Biotech-Konzern Monsanto hat sich zum weltweiten Marktführer bei genmanipuliertem Saatgut vorgekämpft. Schädlingsresistente Monsanto-Pflanzen werden jedoch vielerorts, auch bei uns, als gesundheitliche, biologische und wirtschaftliche Bedrohung angesehen. Andere Produkte sind nicht weniger umstritten: Mit sogenanntem Hybridsaatgut etwa, das nach der Ernte nicht wieder zur Aussaat verwendet werden kann, geraten Bauern nach Ansicht vieler Beobachter in ruinöse Abhängigkeit. Der Multi ist berüchtigt für seine rücksichtslose Geschäftspolitik, die Einschüchterung von Kritikern und den Eingriff in demokratische Prozesse. Er betreibt aggressive Lobbyarbeit auch in Deutschland. Marie-Monique Robin hat bei ihrer langjährigen Recherche Fakten, Aussagen und Untersuchungsergebnisse zusammengetragen, die erstmals umfassend das Geschäftsgebaren und die Ziele von Monsanto darlegen. Vor dem Hintergrund der weltweiten Nahrungsmittelkrise gewinnen ihre Erkenntnisse noch an Brisanz. * Enthüllt die umstrittenen Aktivitäten des global agierenden Biotech-Konzerns * Auch in Deutschland versucht Monsanto mit genmanipulierten Produkten Fuß zu fassen Marie-Monique Robin Marie-Monique Robin, geboren 1960, ist Journalistin und Dokumentarfilmerin. 1995 erhielt sie den renommierten französischen Albert-Londres-Preis für investigativen Journalismus. Ihr Film über Monsanto (2008) war ein großer Erfolg. Quelle: ___________________________________________ K U L I S S E N R I S S Der Riss in den Kulissen, die um uns herum aufgebaut sind… Seite begonnen: 25.08.2010; zuletzt bearbeitet/ergänzt: 20.02.2013 Anmerkung 2011: Diese Seite ist inzwischen durch Nachträge, die Themen zugeordnet wurden, nicht mehr chronologisch. Es lohnt sich daher, die Seite bis zum Ende auszuwerten. Sie dient als Sammlung – derzeit ungeordnet – von Informationen über den Klimaschwindel, hat also inzwischen den Charakter einer Dokumentation.. Alex Jones zu Climategate und den Geheimpapieren Teil 1 Alex Jones zu Climategate und den Geheimpapieren Teil 2 Quelle: ________________________________________________ Michael Friedrich Vogt - NWO Michael Friedrich Vogt - NWO - New World Order - Neue Weltordnung Quelle: ___________________________________________   Die Musikindustrie und ihr vergiftetes Saatgut | 03.03.2013 |

HYPNOTISIERTE Massen + Propaganda – Jasinna Quelle: ___________________________________________   Das entlarvte Geheimnis unserer Nahrungsmittel Aspartam, das Gift aus dem Supermarkt Die Tricks der Lebensmittelindustrie - ARTE-Doku. Glutamat, das Gift aus dem Supermarkt ___________________________________________  


New World Order Das geheime Abkommen Publiziert 2. Oktober 2012 | Von Niflheim (Gastautor) Hast Du Dir auch schon einmal die Frage gestellt, warum der Begriff „Dunkle Macht“ immer wieder im Zusammenhang mit der herrschenden Elite erwähnt wird ? Wer steckt in Wirklichkeit hinter den Taten der herrschenden Oligarchie ? Der Legende nach entstand auf dem Planeten Erde vor tausenden von Jahren eine genetische Kreuzung zwischen reptillienartigen Außerirdischen und der menschlichen Existenz, nachdem diese miteinander Unzucht getrieben hatten. Die daraus entstandenen „Hybride“ sind Mittler zwischen den Frequenzbereichen der 3. und 4. Dimension, letztere kann der Mensch durch seine auf fünf Sinne beschränkte Handlungsfähigkeit nicht wahrnehmen.

Die Mächte („Dämonen“; engl. „Djinns“; „Archons“) der 4. Dimension ernähren sich von den niederen Schwingungen, welche im Menschen durch Angst, Wut, Hass, Verzweiflung etc. hervorgerufen werden. Die Aufgabe der „Hybride“ oder auch „Reptiloide“ (siehe David Icke) ist es, die Anordnungen der dunklen Kräfte in unserer dreidimensionalen Realität zu verwirklichen.

Der Handlungskodex bei all ihren Taten lautet: Täuschung, Manipulation, Geheimhaltung und Reinheit (→ Blutlinie). In diesem Sinne soll der folgende Artikel diese Verschwörung gegen die Menschheit beleuchten.

Bilde Dir ein eigenes Urteil darüber und versuche, das im Text Geschriebene im Hinblick auf die Ereignisse der Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft für Dich selbst zu reflektieren.. Quelle: ___________________________________________   Zusätzlich: Schweinegrippe Epidemie 1976 USA Teil 2 von 2 Quelle: Schweinegrippe Epidemie 1976 USA Teil 2 von 2 - YouTube ___________________________________________________   H1N1 Vaccine Linked to 700 Percent Increase in Miscarriages Quelle: H1N1 Vaccine Linked to 700 Percent Increase in Miscarriages | Health Freedom Alliance _____________________________________________   David Icke - Nicht Impfen lassen! Zwangsimpfung! (Film leider nur auf Englisch) Quelle: David Icke - Nicht Impfen lassen! Zwangsimpfung! - YouTube Alex Jones TV: Weekend Special - “Exposing The H1N1 Hoax” (Film leider nur auf Englisch) Quelle: Alex Jones TV: Weekend Special — “Exposing The H1N1 Hoax” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! ______________________________________________   H1N1 - Gefährlicher Giftcocktail gegen Schweinegrippe Impfstoff gegen Schweinegrippe Video von Dr. Joachim Mutter Alles was Sie über über Quecksilber wissen sollten Supergifte und die Lügen der Pharma-WHO (63 Minuten!) «Heute Rinder, morgen Kinder» Quelle: H1N1 - Gefährlicher Giftcocktail gegen Schweinegrippe   ______________________________________________   Media Pushes BRAIN Eating Vaccine... Nano Tech Injection Lobotomy (Auch film leider nur auf Englisch) Quelle: Media Pushes BRAIN Eating Vaccine... Nano Tech Injection Lobotomy - YouTube Polnische Gesundheitsministerin über die Schweinegrippe-Impfung: NEIN! Quelle: Polnische Gesundheitsministerin über die Schweinegrippe-Impfung: NEIN! - YouTube ______________________________________________   Die Schweinegrippe-Impfung (H1N1) Die Themen zur Schweinegrippe auf unseren Seiten: Alles über den aufgeflogenen Betrug, dem Flu-Gate, auf unserer Seite "Schweinegrippe-Skandal". H1N1 - Die Angst vor dem Virus ist zurück 13.01.2011 Erbrechen, Fieber und Krämpfe: Australien verbietet Grippe-Impfstoff bei Kindern 05.09.2010 Gehirn-Schäden nach A-H1N1 Impfungen? 27.08.2010 Schweinegrippe: 1 Milliarde durch den Schornstein gepfiffen 16.08.2010 WHO: Offizielles Ende der Schweinegrippe! 13.08.2010 Schweinegrippe rettet 7750 Italienern das Leben! 03.05.2010 Costa Rica: Zwangsimpfung für die ganze Bevölkerung! 04.02.2010 Europarat setzt Untersuchungsausschuß ein am 28. Januar 2010 Schweinegrippe: Strafanzeige gegen Ständige Impfkommission (STIKO) Die "verschwundene" Pandemie -- betrügerische Verträge, mafiöse Strukturen! Schweinegrippe - Betrugsskandal kommt ans Licht! Flu-Gate, Betrug aufgeflogen! Polnische Gesundheitsministerin warnt vor möglicher Todesfolge der Impfung RKI will nächstes Jahr Impfung für alle Bulgarien erklärt offiziell die Schweinegrippe-Pandemie für überwunden Polen: Nur 0,27% der Grippefälle sind Schweinegrippe H1N1-Impfung für Schwangere -- PEI: erhöhte Zahl von fehlgeburten zu erwarten! Pandemie-Impfung H1N1: Arzt spritzt gleichzeitig Kortison gegen Nebenwirkungen! Was ist Pandemrix? Belgien entmachtet Parlament wegen Schweinegrippe Das Ende der Schweinegrippe in der Ukraine Kriegsrecht in der Ukraine wegen "Pandemie" Impfstoff als Biowaffe klassifiziert Quelle: Der Weg e.V. - Jesus ist der Weg!: H1N1-Impfung   __________________________________________________   H1N1 - Gefährlicher Giftcocktail gegen Schweinegrippe Impfstoff gegen Schweinegrippe Video von Dr. Joachim Mutter Alles was Sie über über Quecksilber wissen sollten Supergifte und die Lügen der Pharma-WHO (63 Minuten!) «Heute Rinder, morgen Kinder» Lesen Sie mehr. Quelle:: quelle:[/QUOTE] Polnische Gesundheitsministerin über die Schweinegrippe-Impfung: NEIN! Schweinegrippe Epidemie 1976 USA Teil 1 von 2 quelle: Schweinegrippe Epidemie 1976 USA Teil 2 von 2 quelle: __________________________________________________   Chemtrails, el Polvo del Diablo Quelle: Chemtrails, el Polvo del Diablo - YouTube Chemtrails All Around the World NWO Quelle: Chemtrails All Around the World NWO - YouTube   __________________________________________________   Fluorid ist giftig! Seine Anwendung ist ein laufendes Experiment, das vor 40 Jahren begann __________________________________________________   Live-Berichte von den Aktionen in anderen Orten
Apr 10 2013
Aktion vor der niedersächsischen Staatskanzlei mit Plakaten:
Fracking im Kabinett verschoben


Am Mittwoch, 10.4. wollten Minister Altmaier und Rösler einen Gesetzentwurf durchs Kabinett bringen, der Fracking den Weg ebnet. Doch der Termin ist verschoben - der Protest aus den Reihen der CDU wächst. Warum wir das Gesetz stoppen wollen, lesen Sie im Blogbeitrag..
Quelle: __________________________________________________  

Chuck Norris battles genetically modified foods

Delivers Part 1 on what pesticides, science experiments may be doing to your health

Chuck, did you hear about the 2 million people who marched around the world against genetically modified foods? And what’s the truth about genetically modified organisms, seeds and crops? – Tobias D., Sacramento, Calif. If this column and the next don’t get you to eat organic, nothing will. On Memorial Day weekend, 2 million people marched in protests against seed giant Monsanto for the purpose of bringing awareness to hazards from genetically modified food, which it and other companies manufacture. Organizer Tami Canal said protests were held in 436 cities in 52 countries. Genetically modified plants are grown from genetically modified, or engineered, seeds, which are created to resist insecticides and herbicides so that crops can be grown to withstand a weed-killing pesticide or integrate a bacterial toxin that can ward off pests. The Chicago Tribune reported that because genetically modified organisms are not listed on food or ingredient labels, few Americans realize they’re eating GMO foods every day. Genetically modified crops constitute 93 percent of soy, 86 percent of corn and 93 percent of canola seeds planted in the U.S. and are used in about 70 percent of American processed food. The Tribune reported that the Food and Drug Administration has permitted the sale and planting of genetically modified foods for 15 years and that the Obama administration has approved an “unprecedented number of genetically modified crops,” such as ethanol corn, alfalfa and sugar beets. The Alliance for Natural Health USA added that the U.S. Department of Agriculture now wants to eliminate any regulatory controls from genetically altered corn and cotton. And Monsanto, the world’s largest seed-maker and a publicly traded American multinational agricultural biotechnology corporation, is leading the pro-GMO march and moving full steam ahead in being the No. 1 U.S. and global farm supplier. CEO Hugh Grant said this past week, “We’re in a growth mode, and with the combination of momentum in our core businesses and new layers of growth coming online from an increasingly global portfolio, we have the strategic drivers in place to continue our growth trajectory next year and beyond.” But business columnist Al Lewis summarized the dilemma Monsanto faces in his column for Dow Jones Newswires: “For Monsanto, it comes down to saving the nine billion people expected to populate the planet by 2050. Monsanto is the company that allows farmers to grow more food with less land, water and energy. But it is also the company that brought us products we now know were far more dangerous than advertised, including the insecticide DDT, the toxic industrial chemicals known as PCBs, and the Vietnam-Era defoliant Agent Orange, which poisoned our own soldiers with dioxins. Monsanto also brought us saccharine – sweet, yet artificial, and known to cause cancer in laboratory rats.” The Alliance for Natural Health USA cited the late George Wald, a Nobel laureate in physiology or medicine and one of the first scientists to speak out about the dangers of genetically engineered foods: “Recombinant DNA technology (genetic engineering) faces our society with problems unprecedented, not only in the history of science, but of life on the Earth. … Now whole new proteins will be transposed overnight into wholly new associations, with consequences no one can foretell, either for the host organism or their neighbors. … For going ahead in this direction may not only be unwise but dangerous. Potentially, it could breed new animal and plant diseases, new sources of cancer, novel epidemics.” So instead of eradicating the need for insecticides and herbicides, genetically modified plants eventually could warrant stronger and more intense pesticides in order to outwit and overcome superbugs and greater strains of diseases. And who’s to say what GMOs will do – now or in generations – inside our bodies as we consume them on a greater scale and they become a part of the bacteria in our digestive tracts? Equally alarming is a study that was just published in the journal Neurology. According to Medical Daily, a review of 104 studies conducted around the world revealed that exposure to pesticides, insecticides, weedkillers, fungicides, solvents, etc., increased the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease by 30 to 80 percent. Dr. Emanuele Cereda – author of the study, by researchers from the IRCCS University Hospital San Matteo Foundation in Pavia, Italy – told the British newspaper Daily Mail: “We didn’t study whether the type of exposure, such as whether the compound was inhaled or absorbed through the skin and the method of application, such as spraying or mixing, affected Parkinson’s risk. However, our study suggests that the risk increases in a dose response manner as the length of exposure to these chemicals increases.” According to The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research, “Parkinson’s disease is a chronic, degenerative neurological disorder that affects one in 100 people over age 60. While the average age at onset is 60, people have been diagnosed as young as 18. … Estimates of the number of people living with the disease therefore vary, but recent research indicates that at least one million people in the United States, and more than five million worldwide, have Parkinson’s disease.” Next week, I will separate the truths and myths of GMOs as told by marketers and health professionals and then tell you exact steps that you and your loved ones can take to avoid GMOs in your local groceries and beyond. Source: __________________________________________

GMOs and Genetically Modified Foods Risks and Dangers of GMOs Dear friends,

Jeffrey M. Smith, the most well-known researcher of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and foods, has written the definitive exposé on the grave risks and dangers of GMOs in his engaging book Seeds of Deception. This is one of very few books that have the potential to awake the general public to grave risks and dangers of GMOs. It is both a fascinating read and very well documented.

For an excellent 10-page summary of the book, click here. Below is a shorter article in which Mr. Smith which reveals the depth and severity of this huge health risk. Please help to spread this vital news far and wide.

Fred Burks for PEERS and With best wishes for an awakened public

Genetically Engineered Foods (GMOs) May Pose National Health Risk By Jeffrey M. Smith

In a study in the early 1990's rats were fed genetically modified (GM) tomatoes. Well actually, the rats refused to eat them. They were force-fed. Several of the rats developed stomach lesions and seven out of forty died within two weeks.[1] Scientists at the FDA who reviewed the study agreed that it did not provide a "demonstration of reasonable certainty of no harm." In fact, agency scientists warned that GM foods in general might create unpredicted allergies, toxins, antibiotic resistant diseases, and nutritional problems.

Internal FDA memos made public from a lawsuit reveal that the scientists urged their superiors to require long-term safety testing to catch these hard-to-detect side effects.[2] But FDA political appointees, including a former attorney for Monsanto in charge of policy, ignored the scientists' warnings. The FDA does not require safety studies. Instead, if the makers of the GM foods claim that they are safe, the agency has no further questions. The GM tomato was approved in 1994.

According to a July 27, 2004 report from the US National Academy of Sciences (NAS),[3] the current system of blanket approval of GM foods by the FDA might not detect "unintended changes in the composition of the food." The process of gene insertion, according to the NAS, could damage the host's DNA with unpredicted consequences. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), which released its findings a few days earlier, identified a long list of potentially dangerous side effects from GM foods that are not being evaluated. The ICMR called for a complete overhaul of existing regulations.[4]

The safety studies conducted by the biotech industry are often dismissed by critics as superficial and designed to avoid finding problems. Tragically, scientists who voice their criticism, as well as those who have discovered incriminating evidence, have been threatened, stripped of responsibilities, denied funding or tenure, or fired.[5]

For example, a UK government-funded study demonstrated that rats fed a GM potato developed potentially pre-cancerous cell growth,[6] damaged immune systems, partial atrophy of the liver, and inhibited development of their brains, livers and testicles.[7] When the lead scientist went public with his concerns, he was promptly fired from his job after 35 years and silenced with threats of a lawsuit.

Americans eat genetically modified foods everyday. Although the GM tomato has been taken off the market, millions of acres of soy, corn, canola, and cotton have had foreign genes inserted into their DNA. The new genes allow the crops to survive applications of herbicide, create their own pesticide, or both. While there are only a handful of published animal safety studies, mounting evidence, which needs to be followed up, suggests that these foods are not safe.

Rats fed GM corn had problems with blood cell, kidney and liver formation.[8] Mice fed GM soy had problems with liver cell formation[9] and pancreatic function,[10] and the livers of rats fed GM canola were heavier.[11] Pigs fed GM corn on several Midwest farms developed false pregnancies or sterility.[12] Cows fed GM corn in Germany died mysteriously. And twice the number of chickens died when fed GM corn compared to those fed natural corn.[13]

Soon after GM soy was introduced to the UK, soy allergies skyrocketed by 50 percent.[14] Without follow-up tests, we can't be sure if genetic engineering was the cause, but there are plenty of ways in which genetic manipulation can boost allergies.

  • A gene from a Brazil nut inserted into soybeans made the soy allergenic to those who normally react to Brazil nuts.[15]
  • GM soy currently consumed in the US contains a gene from bacteria. The inserted gene creates a protein that was never before part of the human food supply, and might be allergenic.
  • Sections of that protein are identical to those found in shrimp and dust mite allergens.[16] According to criteria recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), this fact should have disqualified GM soy from approval.
  • The sequence of the gene that was inserted into soy has inexplicably rearranged over time.[17] The protein it creates is likely to be different than the one intended, and was never subject to any safety studies. It may be allergenic or toxic.
  • The process of inserting the foreign gene damaged a section of the soy's own DNA, scrambling its genetic code.[18] This mutation might interfere with DNA expression or create a new, potentially dangerous protein.
  • The most common allergen in soy is called trypsin inhibitor. GM soy contains significantly more of this compared with natural soy.[19]
Source: __________________________________________

Comprehensive List Of GMO Products

October 13th, 2012

(SHTFFrequency) – Now we can understand why Monsanto and partners are so desperately fighting California’s Prop 37. This list is truly sickening.

Note: You can download this pdf file created by the Center for Food Safety that provides guidelines for buying non-GMO foods in your local stores. This tells you what you can eat that is not GMO contaminated. ~G

Rumor Mill News agent writes ~ Here is the list of Genetically Modified Foods – get ready to clean out your pantry! Prepare to blow chunks, this list is shocking. A few general observations: The availability of Non GM food vs. GM food is about 50/50. Most “brand name,” products and corporate giants genetically modify their foods. Most foods listed under the “non-genetically modified,” section are not well known and are not considered “mainstream.”

Baby Food ~ Genetically Engineered Ingredients

Nabisco (Phillip Morris) -Arrowroot Teething Biscuits -Infant formula Carnation Infant Formulas(Nestle) -AlSoy -Good Start -Follow-Up -Follow-Up Soy Enfamil Infant Formulas (Mead Johnson) -Enfamil with Iron -Enfamil Low Iron -Enfamil A.R. -Enfamil Nutramigen -Enfamil Lacto Free -Enfamil 22 -Enfamil Next step (soy and milk-based varieties) -Enfamil Pro-Soybee Isomil Infant Formulas (Abbot Labs) -Isomil Soy -Isomil Soy for Diarrhea -Similac(Abbot Labs) -Similac Lactose Free -Similac with Iron -Similac Low Iron -Similac Alimentum

Baking ~ Genetically Engineered Ingredients

Aunt Jemima (Quaker) -Complete Pancake & Waffle Mix -Buttermilk Pancake & Waffle Mix -Cornbread Mix -Easy Mix Coffee Cake etc.. Source: __________________________________________ Alex Jones - Alien Genetic Takeover: The End Of Humanity Genetically Modified Food Dangers - Alex Jones Grocery Store Secrets that can be Fatal pt 9 of 10 - allergies, cancer, infertility GMO - Infertility and Disease __________________________________________

Film: Beyond the Cutting Edge – David Icke


June 17th, 2009

Since his extraordinary ‘awakening’ in 1990 and 1991, David Icke has been on a journey across the world, and within himself, to find the Big answers to the Big questions: Who are we? Where are we? What are we doing here? Who really controls this world and how and why?

David Icke - Beyond The Cutting Edge (Full Lecture) Source: __________________________________________  

The Effects of Genetically Modified Foods

What are Genetically Modified Organisms or GMO Foods?

Information about Genetically Modified Foods Scientists have been and are currently introducing genetic material into organisms to alter, create and affect changes in living plants and animals. These radical changes scientists are developing create specific, desirable traits that might never evolve naturally and in my opinion are extremely dangerous. Collectively called recombinant DNA technology, this practice changes the core genetic make-up of organisms. This genetic manipulation gives scientists the ability to create any trait that they wish, or suppress natural traits they don't want. There are several reasons this unnatural genetic manipulation may affect you.
  1. It's usually not clear which consumables have been genetically manipulated.
  2. You don't know the long term health effects of these genetically modified foods. Initial research has shown that short-term reactions can be severe.
  3. Agro-chemical companies and the government are planning to charge farmers fees to grow their GMO crops, thereby negatively affecting the economy and environment.

Cultivated Genetically Modified Foods

From bacteria (E. coli) and fungus, fruits and vegetables to animals, genetic manipulation is becoming more and more common in our society. In the US market now, 60-70% of the processed foods are genetically modified. In 2006, United States GMO crops reached just shy of 135 million acres, with the total global area exceeding 250 million acres!¹

This is a short list of the genetically modified food crops that are grown in the US today:

  • Corn
  • Soy bean
  • Sugar cane
  • Tomatoes
  • Potatoes
  • Sweet peppers
  • Pineapples
  • Cocoa beans
  • Yellow squash
And each week more are being created at an alarming rate!

Processed Consumer Goods Made With GMO Ingredients

No Genetically Modified Foods The bio-chemical industry is fiercely going after two crops, corn and soy, because of their high demand for use throughout our processed goods and biofuel industries. For companies to increase and control the yield of these crops, it would mean controlling a large part of the processed goods and biofuels markets. It would also mean considerable profit as they can patent these crops and technically OWN THEM! For now, you won't see GMO on the labels of foods in the US. Currently, producers are not required to tell you, because, believe it or not, the Federal government has declared it's their choice to determine what is good for you and what foods are safe for your consumption — and we know how far that is gotten us.

Following is a short list of processed foods made with genetically modified organisms:

  • Popcorn
  • Canola Oil
  • Cottonseed Oil
  • Soy Sauce
  • Frozen Pizza
  • Frozen Dinners
  • Dry Cereal
  • Baby Formula
  • Canned Soups
The list of GMO products on the market today is long and growing. So, I recommend doing your research because the USDA made the following determination: These products don't need to be labeled with GMO content information unless the product presents the threat of causing allergic reactions in humans. Amazing, huh? Several sites on the internet today are working hard to track and compile such information regarding these man-made foods. The items above are compiled from several lists including the 2003 food guide from The True Food Network².

The long-term dangers of Genetically Modified Foods are uncertain, but we have already seen severe short-term reactions

In 1989, a Japanese company paid out a $2 billion dollar settlement to several thousand American citizens who became ill from a genetically modified version of L-Tryptophan³. Several dozen Americans died from ingesting L-Tryptophan before it was taken off the market. Today, some health practitioners are returning to non-GMO L-Tryptophan for use in treating sleep disorders. In 1996, animal tests, conducted after the danger was inflicted on humans, proved that there was a severe danger from genes spliced from Brazil nuts and soybeans. The danger: allergic reactions so severe that the individuals could suffer anaphylactic shock, possibly leading to death4. In 2006, Japan suspended long grain rice imports from the US after tests revealed that the rice contained trace amounts of GMO that were not approved for human consumption. In the US, we still accept variations of the banned genetic modification to the rice5. It all started by the government giving blanket approval to the "Frankenstein" tomato. You see, by 1994, the government made a stunning decision, one that reeks of something foul. They decided that since the Flavr Savr® performed "so well in its tests" that its results would stand for any further GMO produce. Because of that, no further testing would be required before presenting it to consumers for consumption.6
Shocking Facts About Genetically Modified Foods

Shocking Fact About Genetically Modified Foods

The FDA suppressed a report that described lesions being created in the stomachs of mice that had eaten the Flavr Savr®. As a matter of fact, "Seven out of forty rats tested died within two weeks for unstated reasons." 8

Are there fees that farmers will have to pay to grow GMO crops?

Genetically Modified Foods are now being marketed as the crops of the future. You can have everything you want in produce, meat and milk, and they can make it happen. Don't doubt the economic gain that these agro-chemical companies are seeking. The following two plans are under development by Monsanto of the US, and AstraZeneca of Britain. They fall under the trait-specific technology, called Genetic Use Restriction Technology (T-GURT). "Technology Protection," is how they sell it. "Terminator" technology makes plants that would produce sterile seeds after one season. This means, farmers have to buy more seeds for the next harvest. "Traitor" technology is a trait-specific technology that develops traits which would remain dormant in crops. Farmers can choose to activate this trait by spraying their crops with a proprietary chemical compound. This means, they'll have to buy the proprietary compound to treat their crops in order to activate it. There are even biochemical companies requiring farmers to sign agreements to not save any of their seeds for re-planting. This means that instead of using the seeds for the next planting season, they have to get rid of them and buy more seeds.

Why would business and the government do something like this?

The USDA, Monsanto and AstraZeneca, have contrived a way to make money on two fronts: First they make money on gene modification. Second, they make money because farmers have to pay them annually to continue to grow crops. It's apparently dollars and cents all the way, no sense of human protection involved. The USDA is actually in business with Monsanto in owning some of the genetic engineering technology patents.
Did You Know

Did You Know?

Margaret Wertheim, in a 2002 article in LA Weekly, expressed fears that "Quietly and stealthily, our fields are being turned into industrial factories. This is potentially the most dangerous technology since nuclear power, yet we have no way of finding out what is being done."7

How Are GMO Foods Toxic?

Genetically modified foods affect the human physiology. A study of people in the Philippines reported that their bodies developed antibodies to Bt toxin. What this means is that, the human body processed these engineered traits into their guts and reacted to them. These same consumers of the GMO corn in the Philippines also developed a resistance to the antibiotic ampicillin. This antibiotic resistance is something that science hadn't foreseen-which is indicative of questionable experimentation and not enough testing. And it makes me wonder if there is a bigger picture at hand. Maybe to create more illness and sell you more pharmaceuticals?

How to Eliminate Toxins from Genetically Modified Foods

  • Whenever possible, eat all natural foods. Shop at your local farmers market for fresh foods which supports your local economy.
  • Use only organically grown fruit and vegetables. Organic crops are grown using no genetic modification or toxic pesticides and herbicides.
  • Your zucchini and yellow squash may be genetically modified too. Use only locally grown or organic produce.
  • Be careful to eat only organic varieties of popcorn and corn. They are very often genetically modified.
  • Start your own organic garden. Growing your own fruit and vegetables is one of the best things you can do for your family. Be sure your location is not in close proximity to plants, industry or bioengineered farms.
  • When you're shopping for meat and dairy products, be sure to look for the hormone and antibiotic-free, organic, range fed information on the label.
  • Avoid canola oil and cottonseed oil. Use instead, organic sources of grape seed oil, virgin coconut oil, hempseed oil and olive oil which are available at organic and whole foods markets.
  • Check your condiments for organic labels. You can find organic fermented sources for soy like natto (fermented soybeans), tempeh, miso, tamari, and tofu.
  • Aspartame is genetically modified and is very toxic, it's best to avoid all products that contain this substance.
  • Take action. Write your council members and grocery executives. Let them know that you want fresh foods in your stores. Ask them to stock organic and no GMO foods.
  • Visit for the extensive list of foods and brand names that contain GMOs.

Recommended Reading:

Source: __________________________________________ Legacy of Freedom Aaron Russo by Alex Jones - Trailor with Alex intro Alex Jones & Aaron Russo __________________________________________ POISON McDonald’s will make you fat and sick. Milk does NOT ‘do a body good’. The Atkins Diet leeches calcium from your bones. Coke dehydrates you. Fluoride causes cancer. Whey is worse than sewage. Soy is not looking good!Are you on a poison food diet? The government does not care. It’s a muti-billion dollar business. By keeping you sick and drugged up, you become easier to control and manipulate. What is REALLY important in life, means nothing to you once you become ‘hooked’, because you are too busy trying to lose weight, think straight and make money to support physical addictions and false image illusions induced by slick advertisements that are very effective mind control. If the government tells you something is ok to consume, or suggests a quick fix medical drug on TV, they are LYING. Drinking a certain brand of beer or soda does NOT attract women or make you dynamic. Taking a drug that warns you of twenty odd possible side effects means IT’S POISON. If you can’t pronounce the ingredients on a product, why are you putting that product into your body! WAKE UP The food you eat and drink may be killing you! A healthy diet prevents obesity and sickness. McDonald’s Fast FoodMilk, White PoisonAtkins DietCoke – AspartameFluorideWheySoy McDonald’s Fast Food. ARCH ENEMY By MEGAN LEHMANN. Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock’s new documentary, “Super Size Me,” details his 30-day McDonald’s diet and subsequent health woes. January 22, 2004 LAST February, Morgan Spurlock decided to become a gastronomical guinea pig. His mission: To eat three meals a day for 30 days at McDonald’s and document the impact on his health. Scores of cheeseburgers, hundreds of fries and dozens of chocolate shakes later, the formerly strapping 6-foot-2 New Yorker – who started out at a healthy 185 pounds – had packed on 25 pounds. But his super sized shape was the least of his problems. Within a few days of beginning his drive-through diet, Spurlock, 33, was vomiting out the window of his car, and doctors who examined him were shocked at how rapidly Spurlock’s entire body deteriorated. “It was really crazy – my body basically fell apart over the course of 30 days,” Spurlock told The Post. His liver became toxic, his cholesterol shot up from a low 165 to 230, his libido flagged and he suffered headaches and depression. Spurlock charted his journey from fit to flab in a tongue-in-cheek documentary, which he has taken to the Sundance Film Festival with the hopes of getting a distribution deal. “Super Size Me” explores the obesity epidemic that plagues America today – a sort of “Bowling for Columbine” for fast food. As well as documenting his own burger-fueled bulk-up, Spurlock travels to 20 cities across America, interviewing people on the street, health experts and a lobbyist for the fast-food industry. Despite making dozens of phone calls, Spurlock fails to get anyone from McDonald’s to agree to an on-camera interview. A spokeswoman for McDonald’s told The Post yesterday that no representatives from the corporation had seen “Super Size Me.” “Consumers can achieve balance in their daily dining decisions by choosing from our array of quality offerings and range of portion sizes to meet their taste and nutrition goals,” McDonald’s said in a statement. If you hate your kids, feed them Mc Donald’s. Over the course of the film, Spurlock is regularly examined by a gastroenterologist, a cardiologist and SoHo-based general practitioner Dr. Daryl Isaacs. “He was an extremely healthy person who got very sick eating this McDonald’s diet,” Dr. Isaacs told The Post. “None of us imagined he could deteriorate this badly – he looked terrible. The liver test was the most shocking thing – it became very, very abnormal.” Spurlock has since returned to normal health. “The treatment was to just stop doing what he was doing,” Dr. Isaacs says. Spurlock, who says he ate at McDonald’s only sporadically before his total immersion in the Mickey D’s menu, says he even began craving fat and sugar fixes between meals. “I got desperately ill,” he says. “My face was splotchy and I had this huge gut, which I’ve never had in my life. “My knees started to hurt from the extra weight coming on so quickly. It was amazing – and really frightening.” Spurlock’s girlfriend, Alex Jamieson, was horrified – she’s a vegan chef. “She was completely disgusted by me, not happy at all,” he says. “But she realized what my goals were in trying to educate people.” Spurlock, a film producer who grew up in West Virginia and studied ballet for eight years, was spurred to make his first feature film while watching TV on Thanksgiving Day, 2002. “I was feeling like a typical American on Thanksgiving – very bloated and happy on the couch – and at some point on the news they were talking about two women who were suing McDonald’s. “People from the food industry were saying, ‘You can’t link kids being fat to our food – our food is nutritious.’ “I said, ‘How nutritious is it really? Let’s find out.” Not surprisingly, Spurlock has steered clear of the Golden Arches since filming wrapped. “I have not had McDonald’s for seven months, but yesterday, during an interview, I had a bite of a Big Mac,” he says. “I chewed it up, swallowed it and I said, ‘You know what, I’m pretty much done after that bite.’ “ Could it be something they ate?! McDonald’s Former CEO Bell Dies at 44yrs. Business – Sydney Reuters – January 17th 2005 McDonald’s Corp. (NYSE:MCD – news) said Charlie Bell, who stepped down as the fast-food chain’s chief executive in November to focus on his battle with cancer, died on Monday in his hometown of Sydney, Australia. Bell, 44, died at about 7:30 a.m. (1530 EST), said a company spokeswoman in Sydney. It was at a McDonald’s restaurant in Sydney that Bell, whose personal motto was “Life is not a rehearsal, ” began his career with the chain at the age of 15. A charismatic leader who said he ate a McDonald’s product most days, Bell was diagnosed with colorectal cancer just weeks after being named to the company’s top job in April. He underwent two surgeries and chemotherapy, delegating authority to other senior executives, before relinquishing the post in November to undergo more intensive treatment. The company’s first non-American CEO, Bell had succeeded Jim Cantalupo, who died suddenly of a heart attack after a little more than a year on the job. He was the company’s first CEO to have worked behind the counter since Fred Turner, who retired in 1987.   Milk – Deadly White Poison. NO other animal drinks cow’s milk, not even calves once they are weaned. Dr. Benjamin Spock, the U.S.’s leading authority on child care, spoke out against feeding “cow’s glue” to children, saying it can cause anemia, allergies, and diabetes, thereby setting kids up for obesity, and heart disease the number one cause of death in the US. Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract, thus preventing absorption of nutrients. Cancer feeds on mucus. If it’s white it’s usually bad for you! Milk, cheese, sugar, salt, bread, pasta, ice cream, mayonnaise … Milk does a body BAD! Guess what’s in it… Blood, pus, bovine growth hormone or BGH, antibiotics, pesticides, penicillin, feces, bacteria, viruses … Drink milk? Medical research shows that you are likely to be plagued by migraine, bloating, indigestion, gas, asthma, anemia, diabetes and a host of potentially fatal allergies. Time to eat another cookie … Got juice? Milk contains casein, proven to cause cancer. Casein is a protein that breaks down during digestion to form opiates – trace mounts of morphine – which are highly addictive. Casein makes up about 87% of cow’s milk and has also been linked to autism, kidney disease, kidney stones, heart disease, osteoporosis (milk does NOT provide the body with sufficient calcium), autoimmune diseases, breast cancer and prostate cancer, and other cancers. Casein in milk causes DIABETES 1 in children. Raising your child on milk from a cow intended only for baby calf consumption, is sentencing your child to ill health in youth and as an adult. Schools give kids milk as requested by the dairy associations who are fully aware of the awful health consequences, and count on children becoming life-long milk drinkers. “Casein is the most relevant carcinogen that humans ingest. It is more potent than DDT or dioxin.” – The China Study, T. Colin Campbell pHD. To read more about how devastating milk is to the human body: – NOTE: REMEMBER THIS AS YOU DRINK YOUR DAILY STARBUCKS, OR EAT YOUR AM SUGAR CEREAL AND MILK, OR FEED YOUR INNOCENT BABY ANOTHER ANIMALS POISONED BREAST MILK. The Atkins Diet. Wanna lose weight at any cost? Acidic Blood: Heart and Bone Disease. Extract from Food proteins are broken down by the human body into their building blocks, amino acids. The amino acids are then used to build new proteins. Proteins consist of 28 amino acids. We manufacture 19 amino acids in our livers. Nine essential amino acids must be obtained from the foods we eat. Many people believe that animal and plant proteins are exactly the same. That is not true. One of those “essential” amino acids is methionine. One needs methionine for many human metabolic functions including digestion, detoxification of heavy metals, and muscle metabolism. However, an excess of methionine can be toxic and create an acid condition in your blood. The center atom of methionine is sulfur. That’s the problem. Eat foods containing too much methionine, and your blood will become acidic. The sulfur converts to sulfates and weak forms of sulfuric acid. In order to neutralize the acid, the body leaches calcium from bones. “Dietary protein increases production of acid in the blood which can be neutralized by calcium mobilized from the skeleton.” {American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1995; 61,4} Animal proteins contain more methionine than plant proteins. Do you understand what that means? It means that everyone jumping on board the Atkins Dit of high protein is doomed to health problems. By overloading your body with protein, high protein diets can lead to loss of calcium from bones, which may lead to osteoporosis. They also pressurize the kidneys as they try to eliminate large amounts of urea, a by-product of protein metabolism. Dead decaying flesh filled with antibiotics, growth hormones, viruses and urine. BBQ and enjoy – don’t worry, disease takes awhile to set in. FYI: The wonderful flavor in that steak you crave, is URIC ACID. Every bite also contains antibiotics. High protein diets also lead to ketosis. This is an abnormal metabolic state in which there is not sufficient carbohydrate stored in the liver for the body to use. As a result, certain chemicals called ketones are released into the bloodstream, leading to a risk of headaches, tiredness, nausea, dehydration, dizziness, constipation and bad breath. High protein ketogenic diets can bring about changes in a dieter’s fat cells causing these fat cells to accumulate even more fat when the person comes off the diet. They can also cause mood changes like tension and irritability, which may result in cravings for high carb foods and fatty snacks. Dr. Amy Joy Lanou, director of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in America, commented on the health dangers of the Atkins diet: “A Harvard study published earlier this year in the Annals of Internal Medicine showed that high-protein diets may cause permanent loss of kidney function in anyone with reduced kidney function. Other studies have shown that meat-heavy diets significantly increase one’s risk of colon cancer and osteoporosis,” she said. Neal Barnard, MD, president of the Physicians Commission for Responsible Medicine, a non-profit research group based in Washington, says: “Low-carb diets have been linked to increased frequency of colon cancer, formation of kidney stones, kidney disease, and even osteoporosis… The reason for the health worries is in large part due to red meat. People who eat meat every day have three times greater risk of developing colon cancer. And then there is the problem of the kidneys. They aren’t designed to work on an oil slick of fat.” The high-fat Atkins diet can cause long-term damage to blood vessels, as well as some of the inflammation linked with heart and artery disease, U.S. researchers reported on November 6th 2007. – ABC News. NOTE: THE ATKINS DIET WILL SERIOUSLY ENDANGER YOUR HEALTH – AND FOR WHAT? TO DROP A FEW POUNDS? WE CHALLENGE YOU TO WATCH ‘EARTHLINGS’ THE DOCUMENTARY (ON YOU TUBE) – IF YOUR HEART IS NOT SHATTERED AND YOUR MIND CHANGED, YOU MIGHT WANT TO CONSIDER PSYCHIATRIC CARE. Coke. MEDICAL FACTS: A steady diet of Coke promotes tooth decay, weight gain, serious kidney problems, blood pressure elevation and decalcification of bone tissue, accelerating osteoporosis. DEHYDRATION. With fast-paced, stress-filled lifestyles, many of you opt for beverages such as coffee, soft drinks, and alcohol instead of water and you believe you are quenching your thirst but these substances force water out of the body, creating an even greater need to compensate with more water. Excess insulin that is released to respond to sugary drinks and snacks create further dehydration. a) 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. b) In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger. c) Even MILD dehydration will slow down one’s metabolism as much as 3%. Lack of water is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue. d) One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a U-Washington study. e) Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers. f) A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory,trouble with basic math and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a printed page. g) Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer. COKE – Fizzy chemical water and sugar. 1. To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl sit for one hour, then flush clean. The citric acid in Coke removes stains from vitreous china. 2. To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers: Rub the bumper with a crumpled-up piece of Reynolds Wrap aluminum foil dipped in Coca-Cola. 3. To clean corrosion from car battery terminals: Pour a can of Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubble away the corrosion. 4. To loosen a rusted bolt: Applying a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola to the rusted bolt for several minutes. 5. To remove grease from clothes: Empty a can of coke into a load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and run through a regular cycle. The Coca-Cola will help loosen grease stains. It will also clean road haze from your windshield. FYI: a) To carry Coca-Cola syrup (the concentrate) the commercial truck must use the Hazardous material place cards reserved for Highly corrosive materials. b) The distributors of coke have allegedly been using it to clean the engines of their trucks for about 20 years. Aspartame and Diet Coke What really killed Heath Ledger? NOTE: EVEN WORSE IS MOUNTAIN DEW, MORE ADDICTIVE THAN COCAINE OR ALCOHOL – MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF SUGAR AND CAFFEINE THEREBY CONTRIBUTING TO DEVELOPMENT OF CANCER, DIABETES, AGING AND ADHD. Fluoride. Over half of the U.S.A. population is drinking fluoridated water, which is now linked to Alzheimer’s Disease, cancer and arthritis. Bone cancer has been linked to fluoride in a 10 year study by the National Toxicology Program of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This sensational news was disclosed in an exclusive report in Medical Tribune, December 28, 1989, but ignored by the mass media. Also, Proctor and Gamble, the maker of Crest (a fluoride toothpaste), presented studies to the U.S. Public Health Service, showing that fluoride tested positive as a cancer-causing agent at the lowest concentrations used. Hitler used fluorine poisoning on concentration camp victims. Its effect on humans is to suppress responses in the occipital lobe, the part of the brain that makes us resist domination. they’re piping it into your house right now through the taps, and it’s in your toothpaste. Toms fluoride free toothpaste. According to Charles Eliot Perkins, a research chemist sent to Germany to take charge of the l.G. Farben Chemical Industries after World War II, repeated doses of fluoride were used to make people submissive to the government. “In the rear occiput of the left lobe of the brain, there is a small area of brain tissue that is responsible for the individual’s power to resist domination. Repeated doses of fluorine will in time gradually reduce the individual’s power to resist by slowly poisoning and narcotizing this area of brain tissue and make him submissive to those who wish to govern him. I was told the scheme by a German chemist who was an official of the I.G. Farben Chemical Industries and prominent in the Nazi movement of the time.” (The Fact Finder, Box A Scottsdale, AZ 85352) FYI: Fluoride in our water supply goes directly to the thyroid gland and destroys it. The result is obesity, weakness, submission and very low general energy levels. Fluoridated water in Europe is BANNED: Basel is the only city in Switzerland to fluoridate its water, and the only city in continental western Europe, outside of a few areas in Spain. – NOTE: HOW DUMBED DOWN AND COMATOSE DO YOU WANT TO BECOME? Whey. Whey is the smelly yellow-green by product of cheese production. It is vile looking and tastes atrocious. Because of the increase of cheese consumption in this country, which has doubled since 1960, there is an enormous amount of surplus whey. Whey is derived from cows who are more often than not, fed pesticides or hormones. According to an article in The Los Angeles Times dated December 4 1978, “Since only about 10% of the milk to make cheese actually ends up as a cheese, the rest separating out as whey, the unlovely liquid is gushing as never before. The surplus of the putrid stuff is causing a huge problem and there is a frantic search for new ways to dispose of it. In the past it was simply trucked to hog farms and fed to the pigs, but this became too expensive. According to the article, “Not only is there more whey, but it is harder to dispose of. Stricter federal and state regulations prohibit dumping raw whey down sewers. Whey is a 100 to 200 times stronger pollutant than residential sewage, and most municipal sewage plants cannot treat it adequately. Disposal in streams is not an option because whey depletes waterways of oxygen, rendering them incapable of supporting marine life. Even disposal on unused land or gravel pits is often unsuitable because of seepage into water supplies. The solution decided upon by industry and government is to apply high technology and sophisticated marketing techniques and feed the stuff to humans.” Draining whey. There may be stricter regulations prohibiting it from being dumped into the sewers, but there is nothing prohibiting them from dumping it into your food! Again from the Los Angeles Times article, “The federal government has encouraged whey utilization by relaxing restrictions on whey” use in many foods. The government also has spent millions of dollars in recent years to improve whey technology and develop new products.” Because of this, “It is increasingly showing up as a cheap substitute ingredient in a wide range of processed foods, from bakery goods and ice cream to soup mixes and beverages. Already on supermarket shelves are cakes containing more whey than flour, hot cocoa mixes with more dried whey than cocoa, and ready-to-use pancake batter with more whey than either flour or milk. A whey soft drink is to be test- marketed soon. It serves as a cheap substitute for skim milk powder, flour eggs, sugar, and other ingredients. Ovaltine has more whey than any other ingredient except sugar. General Foods Corporation is test-marketing in the Midwest baked foods with whey ranging from Gerber Teething Biscuits to Fresh Horizon Bread, Thomas English Muffins, and Hostess Twinkies. Many luncheon meats, such as Oscar Mayer pickle and pimento loaf, contain whey. Whey is often used in imitation chocolate coatings on candy bars such as Baby Ruth.” Whey is a leading ingredient in almost all power/energy/weight control ‘candy bars and in powder supplements that athletes, gym bunnies, body builders and dieters like to eat and drink. No wonder people become obese, sick and diseased, even when trying to be healthy. Whey protein consumption is often associated with kidney malfunction in particular. Most people know sugar is bad, but how many know whey is?! A QUIET STORM: There is a vast number of serious advocates for whey protein, especially amongst body builders and fitness fanatics. A few individuals became irate after reading the above LA Times article, as they fully believe ‘whey does a body good’ – apparently bulging muscles take precedence over long term health. Guess what? There ARE other options! ‘Whey Protein supplement health benefit and side effects’ by Ray Sahelian, M.D. – NOTE: WHEY – COW MILK PROTEIN – IS PROVEN TO CONTRIBUTE TO DEVELOPMENT OF ALLERGIES, MS, DIABETES AND CANCER. SOY Read the articles below and decide for yourself whether to eat soy or not. Unless organic, soy beans are genetically engineered. Why You Should Avoid Soy: Genetically Modified Soy Linked to Sterility: Source: __________________________________________ MUST SEE. WE'RE ALL INFECTED.MORGELLONS & CHEMTRAILS, Pt 1 Alien Fibers: Morgellons Disease - ABC's Nightline. Global Chemtrail Secrets Revealed 1/2 Chemtrails connected to UN 2013 Report? 'Earth is in the midst of a Mass Extinction of Life' CHEM TRAILS PLANE SPRAYING lights and sound in the sky before canada earthquake __________________________________________ HAARP Chemtrail Whistleblower Pilot Exposes Video Truth Evidence Chemtrails The facts Illuminazi Targets 5 Billion to Die In Death Dumps Morgellons Disease: The Big Lie, The Ultimate Cover-up Morgellons Presentation (Potent News Blast #10) __________________________________________

GM FOOD RACKET 1 Farming The covert war Food Inc Covert sterilisation

[Sold as protection from world starvation, actually world poisoning and sterilisation, a classic protection racket 1. Brought to you by the makers of Aspartame. Have a look at aspartame and Donald Rumsfeld. Paul Stitt blew the 'feed the world' bullshit with his research 1 for a food giant, years ago.] GM quote banners GM foods and sterility [GM foods] How to win Roundup Monsanto Critics Jeffrey Smith Engdahl, F. William Dr Arpad Pusztai Dr. Irina Ermakova Dr. Andreas Carrasco Converse, MPH,Judy GM Watch Lobbywatch L-Tryptophan Video GM Flacks Rooker, Jeffrey William Schwarcz, Dr. Joe Krebs, Sir John Sainsbury, Lord David Taverne, Lord Dick Cockburn, Andrew Taylor, Michael Vilsack, Tom Paterson, Owen See: Food IncFarmer suicides Food scarcity myth Monsanto [2013 May] Comparison of GMO and non-GMO corn - the real statistics will astound you! [2013 Feb] Farmers push to lift supermarkets' ban on GM-fed hens as they argue conventional feeds are too expensive [2012] Two films to understand the CRIIGEN study, how harmful NK603 maize and Roundup are for human health, and how GMOs are evaluated. French researchers secretly studied, for two years, 200 rats fed with transgenic maize. Tumors, serious disorders... full-fledged slaughter. And a bomb for the GMO industry. More information [2013 Jan] Regulators Discover a Hidden Viral Gene in Commercial GMO Crops [2012 Oct] GM Wheat May Damage Human Genetics Permanently [2012 Oct] Biotech Scientist: It’s ‘Awesome’ That GMOs Cause Infertility, Death (Video) [2012 Sept] Russia suspends import and use of American GM corn after study revealed cancer risk [2012 Sept] Shocking findings in new GMO study: Rats fed lifetime of GM corn grow horrifying tumors, 70% of females die early Up to 50% of males and 70% of females suffered premature death. Rats that drank trace amounts of Roundup (at levels legally allowed in the water supply) had a 200% to 300% increase in large tumors. Rats fed GM corn and traces of Roundup suffered severe organic damage including liver damage and kidney damage. The study fed these rats NK603, the Monsanto variety of GM corn that's grown across North America and widely fed to animals and humans. This is the same corn that's in your corn-based breakfast cereal, corn tortillas and corn snack chips. [2012 Sept] Hungary Throws Out Monsanto AND The IMF [2012 June] Is GMO Farming Poisoning The World's Drinking Water? [2012 June] Syngenta Charged for Covering up Livestock Deaths from GM Corn [2012 May] Poland beekeepers kick Monsanto out of the hive, successfully ban bee-killing GM corn [2012 March] Poland’s Monsanto action lays 1000s of dead bees on Govt steps [2012 March] If the biotech industry is so proud of GMOs, why don't they tout GMOs on food packaging labels? [2012 Feb] Monsanto's Bt GMO corn to be sold at Wal-Mart with no indication it is genetically modified [2012 Feb] China Rejects Genetically Modified Rice in Opposition to GMO Crops Genetically modified organisms and biological risks by Irina Ermakova [2011 Oct] Monsanto is secretly poisoning the population with Roundup When Dr. Irina Ermakova came to her office, the meaning of the charred remains of papers on her desk was unambiguous -- it was yet another attempt to intimidate or punish her. So was the theft of samples from her laboratory, and the continuous verbal attacks by biotech advocates. Her crime? She fed rats genetically modified Roundup Ready soy, and reported the results. Those results were clearly not what the sellers of GM soy wanted us to hear. After female rats were fed GM soy, more than half their babies died within three weeks. The rat pups were also considerably smaller, and in a later experiment, were unable to reproduce. Offspring from mothers fed non-GM soybeans, on the other hand, died at only a 10% rate, and were able to mate successfully. [2011 June] We have a hothouse filled with corn plants that make anti-sperm antibodies by David Wetzel [2011 May] Toxin from GM crops found in human blood: Study [2011] Aris A, Leblanc S. Maternal and fetal exposure to pesticides associated to genetically modified foods in Eastern Townships of Quebec, Canada. [2011 May] Judy Converse on GMO and Vaccine Damage and How to Fix It [2011 May] Mystery Science: More Details on the Strange Organism That Could Destroy Monsanto [2010 July] Monsanto: The world's poster child for corporate manipulation and deceitby JEFFREY M. SMITH [2009 Oct] Vilsack Mistakenly Pitched "GMOs-Feed-The-World" to an Audience of Experts--Oops by Jeffrey Smith The behemoth effort evaluated the last 50 years of agriculture, and prescribed the methods that were now needed to meet the development and sustainability goals of reducing hunger and poverty, improving nutrition, health and rural livelihoods, and facilitating social and environmental sustainability. And GMOs was not one of those needed methods! It was clear to the experts that the current generation of GMOs did not live up to the hype continuously broadcast by biotech companies and their promotional East Coast wing--the federal government. [2009 July] You're Appointing Who? Please Obama, Say It's Not So! by Jeffrey Smith In January of this year, Dr. P. M. Bhargava, one of the world's top biologists, told me that after reviewing 600 scientific journals, he concluded that the GM foods in the US are largely responsible for the increase in many serious diseases.In May, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine concluded that animal studies have demonstrated a causal relationship between GM foods and infertility, accelerated aging, dysfunctional insulin regulation, changes in major organs and the gastrointestinal system, and immune problems such as asthma, allergies, and inflammation ...... [2009] Monsanto GM-corn harvest fails massively in South Africa [2009 Feb] British Scientists Condemn Using Children in GM Food Trials as Unacceptable [Dec 2004] PROFESSOR CANNED FOR STANDING UP RELEASING PAPER ON GE CONTAMINATION [2008 Nov] The GM genocide: Thousands of Indian farmers are committing suicide after using genetically modified crops [2008] Exposed: the great GM crops myth [2008] Shedding Light on Genetically Engineered Food----Chris Gupta [2006] Study: GM Soy Dangerous for Newborns? GM Potatoes Bush Administration, Biotech Industry, Agribusiness Overstate Genetically Engineered Crops' Potential to Solve World Food Crisis Genetically Engineered Crops Use More Pesticide [March 2007] Monsanto's GM Corn MON863 Showed Kidney, Liver Toxicity in Animal Feeding Study [Feb 2007] Suppressed report shows cancer link to GM potatoes The Future of Food - Fake Foods] Investigative Reporter, Pam Killeen interviews Deborah Garcia about her new movie, The Future of Food. More on genetic engineering and the dangers it presents. Interview of Jeffrey Smith, author of Seeds of Deception [website] GM corn and sterility [2004] Monsanto's Dirty Tricks Campaign Against Fired Berkeley Professor IgnacioChapela [July 2004] The Untold Dangers of GM Crops By Dr. Mae-Wan Ho [Media Feb 2004] Scientists suspect health threat from GM maize GM crops can be worse for environment [2002] "A geneticist's view of the dangers of GM" Montsanto Genetically Modified Cotton Pushing Indian Farmers into a Death Trap [Thanks pal.] The UK government's chief scientific adviser, Sir David King, has called for a rethink on GM crops in his farewell speech before leaving his post Books Shedding Light on Genetically Engineered Food by Beth Harrison Seeds of Destruction, The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation by F. William Engdahl Review Seeds of Deception by Jeffrey Smith External links The GMO Trilogy, a three-disc set that explains why GMOs (genetically modified organisms) threaten your health, the environment, and future generations. HEALTH RISKS OFGM FOODS: SUMMARY AND DEBATE [GM foods] PIVOTAL PAPERS Jeffrey Smith’s forthcoming book, Genetic Roulette, documents more than 60 health risks of GM foods in easy-to-read two-page spreads, and demonstrates how current safety assessments are not competent to protect consumers from the dangers. His previous book, Seeds of Deception (, is the world’s best-selling book on the subject. He is available for media at Dr. Kirk Azevedo has a chiropractic office in Cambria, California. Press may reach him at (805) 927-1055 or at drkirk(at) Why I Cannot Remain Silent about GM technology, 9/99Aarpad Pusztai Suppressed Study on Genetically-Modified Crops Leaked to Greenpeace Spiked European Union report shows genetically-modified crops increase production costs for farmers. Read the report here   Quotes [2011 May] Judy Converse on GMO and Vaccine Damage and How to Fix It Two major changes happened in the 1990s in the US, making American children born since then extremely vulnerable: One, the FDA permitted, with no safety review, the introduction of genetically modified (GMO) foods – including soy and corn, which both go into infant formulas and most processed foods....The gene inserted into GMO soy makes soy produce its own insecticide....The FDA said there no proof this is unsafe, so they allowed these highly profitable crops into the food supply. These can trigger allergies more often than their naturally occurring counterparts; other findings of detrimental effects on animals eating GMO feed crops are very disconcerting, from increased miscarriages and organ failures to death. Consumers are just beginning to understand this issue. Eating food that’s genetically modified to produce its own pesticide is something we wouldn’t want to do if given the choice, but Americans were not given the choice. Interestingly, the UK is also a GMO friendly nation, and has an even a higher rate of autism than the US. (When a plant is genetically modified) Life is changed. The plants represent the forces of life. When you humans change the life of plants you change the life of the whole world. A genetically engineered change is a violent change. Something gets cut. With every genetically modified plant you change the etheric body of the earth. Have you no idea at all what you're doing? Don't you know what will happen in the future through life being changed?.....because genetically modified plants have less life and because of this, the quality of the etheric body deteriorates. ....Above all many more metabolic disorders will arise as a result. But you're making your bodies sick even without genetic engineering, because simply too little life is flowing into the human through present-day food. Every intensively grown potato or any other intensively grown food doesn't nourish very well, it contains very little life forces. The life force can't just be increased like that. Using chemical fertilizers doesn't increase the life force, just the physical components. Chemically fertilized grain leads to the organs becoming weaker and the etheric organs no longer being able to reach their physical counterpart so effectively. Each organ requires specific cosmic and etheric forces, and when the physical organs are weakened these forces can only be insufficiently taken up. Each organ and every plant has a relationship to a planet. With an apple you're eating in the truest sense of the word Jupiter, and when an apple tree is chemically fertilized, the Jupiter force in the apple becomes weaker.Nature Spirits and What They Say: Interviews with Verena Stael Von Holstein by Wolfgang Weirauch If these genetically engineered seeds blow onto a farmer’s field, Monsanto could come on their field, test their crops, demand money from them and claim ownership of the crops. The farmer, who probably doesn't want to have genetically engineered seeds anywhere near his field, now has this responsibility. It’s a very strange situation. It seems like Monsanto has all the power and that they don't have any accountability or responsibility. If contamination occurs on an innocent neighboring farm, somehow the innocent farmer has to pay for the contamination. It’s illogical. This is now the way that the system is working. It’s the opposite from what you would imagine.............. in order to determine whether or not these crops would be regulated, both the government and the biotech industry decided that these seeds would be considered “substantially equivalent” to normal seeds. This is simply not true. The reason why they came up with this determination was so that GE foods wouldn't have to be regulated, tested nor labeled. ...One future is industrial pesticides, chemical laden, tasteless food that is heavily processed, controlled by huge multinational corporations for their own benefit; the other future is exemplified by organic farmers who farm and feed people regionally with good healthy food that people can feel safe eating and eat in a sense of community and family. If people really understood what was happening to our food supply, they would choose good, safe, healthy food grown by a local farmer. If we choose to eat this way, we will also benefit by supporting local economies. The Future of Food - Fake Foods] Investigative Reporter, Pam Killeen interviews Deborah Garcia about her new movie, The Future of Food.

I'M APPALLED by the unfounded assumptions of 'experts' about the hyper-infectious nature of the BSE/CJD agent (Mail). Basic evidence suggests variant CJD didn't arise from eating BSE-affected cattle. Third World countries imported even greater quantities of the incriminated British meat than we consumed here, but no cases of vCJD have occurred in those countries. I've travelled worldwide carrying out analyses of areas with prion diseases, of which vCJD is one. These diseases increase only in areas with a high manganese/low copper imbalance. Experiments at Cambridge and Case Western, Cleveland, universities confirmed my findings that misshapen prions develop whenever brain cells are exposed to this imbalance.

I found one organophosphate — poured on cows to counteract warble fly and on humans for headlice — which bonded with copper in the brain, starving the prion protein of its copper partner. When this happens, foreign metals, such as manganese, are more likely to bond with prions, which can have devastating consequences. Manganese is increasing in the environment due to its use as a fertiliser and fungicide, a lead substitute in petrol, and emission from factories. It was fed to UK cattle in calf milk replacement powder (at levels up to 1,000 times higher than in normal cow's milk) and as supplements for bone growth. Manganese is also fed to humans (in health food supplements), deer (for antler growth) and cats —and all have had prion disease. The totalitarian mindset about the origins of prion diseases betrays an agenda. It's more about global profits for the GM soya protein empires than about the illusory health risks of animal proteins to humans. MARK PURDEY. Taunton.

[Re the great lie about GM foods being about feeding the word.] We'd shown that protein could be made from natural gas, that it could be done successfully on a large scale, and that it could be done cheaply (a pound would cost about 11 cents to produce, and would provide eight people with 100 % of their protein needs for a day). And we had done it in one year — half the time we'd been allotted for completion! ...... When we were called into the vice president's office on the afternoon of New Year's Eve, we expected a raise and a pat on the back. ...... "Gentlemen," he said nonchalantly, "the Board of Directors has decided to terminate your project, effective immediately."........They were actually firing us! .......Finally, when I could stand it no longer, I marshalled my courage and called the president of Tenneco. How could they do this senseless thing? "Friend," he told me, "if I had a whole mountain of protein, I wouldn't have the slightest idea what to do with it. Who's gonna buy something like that?" I was dumb struck. What about the starving millions? Was the profit motive all that counted for anything? I told myself that it could not be so, that somewhere there must be a company which would embrace the project and develop it to full potential. But I was still naive, and I still believed that the best way to make money was to make things people really needed. BEATING THE FOOD GIANTS by Paul A. Stitt "The very idea of disease-free animals and disease-free people fuels the appetite for genetic engineering. It decreases our levels of tolerance and resilience. It breeds fear, anxiety and paranoia - the kind of fear that is moving the military might of Britain to declare a war against its hoofed inhabitants. This paranoia suits the genetic engineering industry perfectly. By exterminating farm animals, the option of small organic farms is eroded. By creating a fear of disease, a new market is created for Dolly, and Polly and Tracy and all their clones. We should stop this war against farm animals. Without them we will never be able to build a sustainable farming future."---Dr Vandana Shiva Source: __________________________________________  


Kissinger's 1974 Plan for Food Control Genocide by Joseph Brewda On Dec. 10, 1974, the U.S. National Security Council under Henry Kissinger completed a classified 200-page study, "National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests." The study falsely claimed that population growth in the so-called Lesser Developed Countries (LDCs) was a grave threat to U.S. national security. Adopted as official policy in November 1975 by President Gerald Ford, NSSM 200 outlined a covert plan to reduce population growth in those countries through birth control, and also, implicitly, war and famine. Brent Scowcroft, who had by then replaced Kissinger as national security adviser (the same post Scowcroft was to hold in the Bush administration), was put in charge of implementing the plan. CIA Director George Bush was ordered to assist Scowcroft, as were the secretaries of state, treasury, defense, and agriculture.. Source: __________________________________________  

Monsanto Genocide in the USA.....2.5 Million Dead from GM foods

A most chilling report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Science for Prime Minister Putin states that a “mysterious die-off” in the United States has claimed over 2,000,000 lives since 2008 and is “more than likely” linked to a “crossover” plant disease linked to genetically modified grains and foods. According to these reports this mysterious, and as yet unidentified, lung disease responsible for this mass die-off began during the spring of 2008 in the US agricultural State of Iowa where (very ironically) at least 36 people attending a Lung Association event at the Governors mansion were stricken. Important to note about Iowa is that it is one of the largest corn producing regions in the World harvesting over 2 billon bushels of this valuable grain farmed on nearly 32 million acres of its farmland, over 99% of which are genetically modified varieties made by the US agricultural giant Monsanto and idententifeid by their trade names of Mon 863, insecticide-producing Mon 810, and Roundup® herbicide-absorbing NK 603. Not reported to the American people about these genetically modified corn varieties made by Monsanto was the study released by the International Journal of Biological Sciences warning that they were linked to organ damage. Monsanto quickly responded to this study, stating that the research was “based on faulty analytical methods and reasoning and do not call into question the safety findings for these products.” Russian scientists in these reports, however, call Monsanto’s claim of their genetically modified Mon 863 corn as being safe for human or animal consumption “totally without validation”, a finding supported by the French biomolecular engineering commission, the Commission du Génie Biomoléculaire (CGB) who stated in their report, “with the present data it cannot be concluded that GM corn MON 863 is a safe product. Further supporting the findings of Russian scientists was Greenpeace International, who in their report titled “MON 863: A chronicle of systematic deception” warned that the campaign to unearth and evaluate data about this most dangerous of genetically modified grains demonstrates, beyond all doubt, that MON863 is unfit for consumption. Most unfortunately for the American people though, all of these warnings have been ignored by their government masters who have allowed the mass planting of these genetically modified crops to such an extent that in the United States today fully 80% of their corn and 93% of their soybeans are of these dangerous varieties and leading one Russian scientist in these reports to warn that our World is now on the verge of experiencing an ecological disaster of “Biblical proportions”. And according to these reports this ecological disaster is well underway in the United States and supported by American death statistics showing that of the nearly 2.5 million deaths reported by them each year the number of “sudden deaths” has increased to 40% equaling out to over 2 million “mysterious and unexplained” deaths from early 2008 to March, 2010. Now of these “mysterious and unexplained” American deaths, these reports continue, nearly all of them are lung related and being erroneously documented as being caused by influenza and pneumonia type diseases so as not to panic these peoples, but have, instead, been caused by as an yet unidentified plant virus that has successfully jumped the species barrier to human beings. Supporting Russian scientists in these conclusions is new research being conducted by the Didier Raoult of the University of the Mediterranean in Marseilles, France, where for the first time in human history a plant virus has been found to cause problems in people.. Source: _____________________________________________   __________________________________________________
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